A great cigar in the perfect setting can help the smoker emit a feeling of elegance and luxury in a way that only a cigar can. However, both the cigar and the setting must align perfectly for the full experience to be achieved. Short of going to Cuba, Miami may just be the best place to get the perfect cigar bar experience. If you cannot find a fabulous Miami cigar bar from this list of 5 cigar bars, you should consider that trip to Cuba.
Aromas of Havana Cigar Bar. Aromas of Havana Cigar Bar is the ultimate posh stetting to sit back, relax, and enjoy a cigar and a cognac. The only thing that could possibly make your experience at Aromas even better is the fact that the staff loves cigars as much as you do.
C Lounge & Cigar Bar. Step into C Lounge & Cigar Bar and be transported back to a more glamourous time where you can inhale the aromas in a dimly lit bar. You can also choose to indulge in their list of fine cognacs or even take advantage of their hookah.
Cuba Ocho. For a purely Cuban setting, visit Cuba Ocho. Here you can partake in a wide variety of Cuban cigars as well as enjoying artwork mostly by Cuban artists, as the space doubles as an art gallery.
Smith & Wollensky. Smith & Wollensky is so much more than a place to smoke a cigar. Not only can you choose from their list of 10 different cigars, but you can also relax with a cocktail or fine wine in hand. If the weather agrees, you can also enjoy the view from their upstairs balcony.
Sticks and Spirits Cigar and Wine Bar. Stick and Spirits Cigar and Wine Bar is the perfect place to bring a friend who is not a fan of smoking cigars but still loves the atmosphere. The setting offers a wide variety of wine and other cocktails as well as a hideaway room—making it the perfect setting for a romantic night.