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Environmental Commitment

The Effects of Climate Change on Ocean Acidification

By June 27, 2024No Comments
Prime Luxury Rentals - The Effects of Climate Change on Ocean Acidification

We are excited to share how it is making a tangible impact in the fight against ocean pollution and the effects of climate change on ocean. Each efforts is centered on sustainability, being committed to educating and involving all yacht fleets in this vital cause.

Commitment to Ocean Conservation

To tackle the pressing issue of ocean plastic pollution. Through this collaboration, we are achieving this milestones:

  • 2,750 bracelets made from recycled ocean plastic

  • 27,500 pounds of plastic removed from the ocean

  • 33,000 happy clients engaged in our sustainability efforts

Each bracelet represents a commitment to cleaner oceans and serves as a reminder of the collective impact we will achieve.

Prime Luxury Rentals - The Effects of Climate Change on Ocean Acidificatio

The Science Behind Ocean Acidification

Our oceans play a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing a significant portion of CO2 emissions. However, this absorption leads to increased ocean acidity, posing severe threats to marine life, especially shell-forming organisms like corals and plankton. Since the mid-19th century, ocean acidity has increased by 26%, a rate unprecedented in the last 55 million years.

The Broader Impact of Climate Change

The rise in atmospheric CO2 levels not only warms the planet but also brings about several detrimental changes to our oceans:

Sea Level Rise: Increased temperatures cause polar ice melt, contributing to rising sea levels.

Coastal Erosion and Flooding: Communities near coastlines face heightened risks of erosion and flooding.

Ecosystem Disruption: Changes in water temperature and chemistry affect marine ecosystems, leading to shifts in species ranges and habitat loss.

Prime Luxury Rentals - The Effects of Climate Change on Ocean Acidificatio

Active Monitoring and Research

Marine sanctuaries globally are recognizing the urgent threat posed by climate change and ocean acidification. These sanctuaries are actively monitoring changes in sea temperature and levels to understand and mitigate the impacts. Efforts are particularly focused on coral reefs, where rising temperatures and increased acidity are causing significant harm.

Making a Difference

To protect our oceans and combat climate change, Cisco, Amazon, Yelp, Pepsico, among others chose a environmental commitment for their corporate events, directly contributing to the removal of ocean plastic and supporting our research and conservation efforts.

“Every corporate event hosted on our yachts not only offers a memorable experience but also makes a lasting impact on our planet.”

Together, we can turn the tide against ocean pollution and the effects of climate change on ocean. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to a sustainable future.

Warm regards,